Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Status of Women in patriarchal Indian

The Status of Women in patriarchal Indian Chapter Two: The Status of Women in patriarchal Indian.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  His Rights and Her Duties Introduction India is countries with a history spanning hundreds years of a multiplicity inequality, where customs and culture practise had and still have strong influence on the social and political life of the population. India is also a country with tights to social caste system, with variety religions believers. This social mixture makes difficult for Indian women to escape discrimination, reach better opportunities and empower themselves not only inside the household, but also in a village and in a community, or even on the countrys political stage. On another hand, India has modern approach to technology and development with fast growing economy reaching 7,7 percent GDP in 2009 and further forecast of growth to 9 percent this year. (Trading economics Indian family structure. The most outstanding feature of India is a strong patriarchal and patrilocal character of this state. Majority of Indian states are patriarchal with only few examples of matrilocal and matrilineal structure like Kerala. In patriarchal society both boys and girls take their identity from the father. But while the son is recognize as a permanent member of the family, the girls are more luckily be viewed as a transit element of this unit to another predominantly husbands family. This also influences inheritance and resource distribution inside family. The land and properties are usually inherited by male successors and transmitted throw them to the next generation. According to the traditional legal practice a daughter has only rights of maintenance the land during her life in a family. As soon as she got married her right of land use are dismissed and taken back to family unit. Only a son has rights to property and land at birth. Women position in patriarchal India is reduced to good daughters, good wives and mothers. Wifehood and motherhood are commonly accepted as key roles for women in an Indian society and by those implications they should not pursue any different profession. Especially this once required by higher education or specialised trainings, which make them, lose focus on main household duties. Patriarchal system in an Indian society also means that the family unit is based on the joint household structure, where only one male is a head of house. Usually this role does belong to a father. He does make choice in terms of marriage alliance, both daughters and sons, decision about buying and selling properties, and maintaining family property day-to-day life. In terms of domestic arrangement the elder woman in a family is in charge. The new bride has the lowest and submissive position in this family chain (p70-76 Women status in India and Empowering them throw Education Dr Bijayalasini Prahary 2010). In addition a patrilocal character of the Indian family means that a married couple will be leaving in a husbands father house or in close distance to a natal home. And because an inheritance in India is usually traced through man, not a woman, the whole family sets are related to males who live together and share a property or even in case of tribal groups a wife. As a consequence of a male dominated role in a family and kinship system women are treated as a less important tool in a kin, and often an easy disposable member, simply replaceable by new brides. For example, in cases where a woman is childless common practise for husband is to send her back to her maternal family and replace by a new wife. The daughter situation is much more difficult. As daughters position is concerned, their residence in the fathers household is temporary and they do not have rights to family assets. Especial as girls quite often are subjects of early age arranged marriages, so their lives in a unit ar e short. In case of a wife, the husband family treats her as an outsider who is descended from some other patriarchal extended kin. Interesting enough with age and giving a birth to son a woman can gain better setup inside the household, but she will always be perceive as an outsider. Legally the minimum ages at marriage are 18 for women and 21 for man, but in practise, according R C Mishra, close to 60 percent of women of rural India are married before reaching legal age. Especially that the legal provisions are rarely enforced by local authorities, what allows prohibition against child marriage to be continued and it seems wildly accepted in pure areas of India. We have to remember that Indian population is strongly influenced by custom and religious believes. As a consequence of early married many of girls, who are not ready physically and mentally to give a birth at young age, are dying during pregnancy (p94-97 women in India towards gender equality R C Mishra Authorspress Delhi 2006). The patrurialchal structure of the family clearly influences the relationship inside a household. Any womens decision-making power is restricted by their low positions in a house. For example, if the mother-in-law lives in a house, a new woman in a unit has to ask her for permission and approval in domestic arrangements. If the brother-in-law is there, he is the person to ask for consent to leave the house. Also at presence the sister-in-law in a household, a new bride needs to submit herself to her decisions. Many of women in joint families are enable to take any independent decision in respect to their own daily activities. The wife has to live by her husbands and often his family wishes. The daughter has to live by father and family arrangements. (Indian Journal of Gender Studies, Bilkis Vissandjà ©e 2006). According to studies made by R C Misha nearly 90 percent of women in Uttar Pradesh, and over 80 percent in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Andhra Pradesh need permission before they can leave the house. Even in matters of cooking, a third of interviewed women in Uttar said that they had been excluded from decision-making on cooking. ((p94-97 women in India towards gender equality R C Mishra Authorspress Delhi 2006) Indians family structure means that it is a bride responsibility to make major adjustments in a marriage. Girls should be prepared to make sacrifice in terms own needs, be modest, hard worker and always contribute to new family wealth being. Many Indians strongly believe that not only young girls should get married early but as well be less educated than the males in the family. The reason behind this is to preserve the male-based hierarchy and perception of man roles in a household as a breadwinner and security provider. Another factor is that unmarried innocent girl symbolises family honour and purity, and is considering as a blessed gift for the whole house. In India, especially in pure regions, rural areas, girls specialise in domestic work such as looking after siblings, preparing and cooking food, cleaning the house and fetching water and firewood. Boys on the other hand are manly involved in working on the family farms, looking after livestock and engaging in income-earning activities. (p1-11 statues of rural women in India Dr S C Shama 2009) But due to economic situation quite often girls are taking over also boys responsibilities in farming and earning money for family needs. Also social discrimination has a huge impact on women rights to land. Norms of female dependence on males are justified through a range of social mechanisms. About one in third of households have been run by women alone as they husbands left in research for jobs outside agriculture industry. Still women get less paid then man for the same work done. Two third of women in India cant read or write. They cant sleep before the man in household (p1-11 statues of rural women in India Dr S C Shama 2009). (p 40-44 Gender Discrimination in Indian Society, L Packiam, Allied Publishing Privet Limited 2006 New Delhi) In addition, even among Indian women exists huge inequality related to treatment at work place and on social stage. Women belonging to the privileged and dominating classes enjoy mach more freedom and opportunities than they are often denied even to man from subordinated and unprivileged casts and groups. Women for the privilege cast are more educated and can place themselves in better position on an employment market. Still it does not change the fact that women are on the bottom of the order in every social group and casts, landless people, displaced and migrants (p1-11 statues of rural women in India Dr S C Shama 2009) Dali women are the hardest touched by discrimination not only at home but as well at Indian society. As the lowest cast they suffer every day form injustice and wrongdoing. The case of a girl student from Gujarat is only one of many examples of hash treatment by upper class and Indian traditional authorities. The girl made a mistake of joining the dancing in the mai n square of her village, in which most of the participants were of the upper caste. The upper caste boys pulled her out and threatened to rape her. For interfering, her mother was slapped. In the hope for justice, she forced her parents to file a complaint to the police against her assailants. For complaining to the police constantly the upper caste families in a village intimidated her mother and members of her family until it had been withdraw. This only one from many examples showing how difficult is for women from lowest cast to deal with disadvantages to be born into Dalit cast. It is estimated that around 50 thousand Dalits girls were sold every year to Hindu organizations that are involved in the Devdasi system as a female servants of god and are sexually exploited. These women from the poorest cast have no control over life, wealth and they cannot expect help from Indian justices system and local authorities. Human Right Watch Report in 1992, (The Status of Dalit Women in Indias Caste Based System Sonia Mahey, University of Alberta) Women in Indian population. India is one of the countries where the female population is counting in less proportion to male population. According to UNICEF Indias Report on Child Sex Ratio birth of females children is declining steadily. Figures from 1991 showed the sex ratio was 947 girls for 1000 boys. Ten years later it had fallen to 927 girls for 1000 boys. Furthermore, since 1991 in 80 percent of all districts in India had recorded a declining sex ratio with the state of Punjab being the worst in leading the statistics. States like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Haryana have recorded more than 50 point decline in the child sex ratio in the same period. Delhi recorded sex ratios 821 while Haryanan 851 and Uttar Paradesh 898 (p6 The Karela state is the only one in India where overall sex ratio is constantly in favourable to women. According to MPRAs data sex ratio was in 2001 1058 as per 1001 census (MPRA 10 march 2008) The fact is that more then 1 million pregnancies are aborted every year after the identification as females. Female children, who escape abortion or infanticide, get into social, economical and political discrimination. Through socialisation female children are throwing into women role expectations in Indian society. From the moment of birth girls are subjected by parents reinforcement to take on traditional role in a society and secondary position after male. From the birth girls are view as a weight responsibility and son as a valuable resource. This discriminations continue throw the girls whole lives and effecting ever aspect of they daily existence. At home patents give priority to needs and interest of their sons then daughters. The teenager girl is denied involvement in decision making in the family. She hardly takes any decision, which affects her life directly. Even in terms of relationships girls are restricted. A son can choose and love a girl of his choice, even refuses t o marry parents choice of a bride, and whomever they selects the final world would be his. On contrarily, the daughter has to submit herself physically and mentally to family decisions. Every her movement is watched by relatives and in huge measure by the whole community, especially in a village environment. She is strictly instructed to behave herself. Expression of love towards a boy even of the same cast is not possible (L Packiam 2006, p16-18). Of course the restriction towards girls can be more loosen up in economically privileged and higher cast families. Although India is going throw an intensive economical and in same point political changes, which impose social transformation on girls right to education, the elimination of traditional and still strong dominated view on women lower position seems to be unattached by those changes. Girls education The conventional view on girls upbringing has huge impact on their formal education. India has the largest population of non-school-going working girls. The country literacy rate for women is 39 percent versus 64 percent for man. For example in Uttar Pradesh is even lower, around 25 percent for women. This low rate of girls in an education lies down to parents view that the educated girl brings no returns to her future roles, mainly as a homemaker and perhaps agriculture labour. The point is that girls increasingly are replacing brothers on farm duties while carrying domestic responsibilities at the same time. This is significant reason for not sending daughters to schools. A large proportion of nonworking girls is kept at home only because they household responsibility. Also next point for not sending girls to school is to protect their virginity. Especially when schools are communal for both: girls and boys. In addition long distance to education institutions with travel expenses m akes impossible to change paten of basic education for girls (Dr Priyanka Tomar 2006, p 10-13). The reality is that women literacy rate stands less than 50 percent for whole India. United Nation had estimated that 245 million Indian women cannot read or write and furthermore this number covers wide throw states, religion groups and casts. For instance, while 95 percent of women in Mizoram are literate, only 34 percent of women in Bihar can read and write. The average Indian female has only 1.2 years of schooling, while the Indian male spends 3.5 years in school. More than 50 percent girls drop out by the time they are in middle school. On the other hand life expectancy has increased for both: males and females to 64.9 years for women and 63 years for men. According to UN Statistic Division (2000) also the workingwomen population had risen from 13 percent in 1987 to 25 percent in 2001 and still grows. Another confirmed point of strong male dominance in an Indian society is the fact that only women belied to be responsible for childless marriages or giving successive birth to female babies. In those cases it is common to expect a wife to find a second wife, for her husband, which is natural in rural areas that she is coming from her own family kit (L Packiam 2006, p35 -37). In such traditional country like India with strong male role perception as a head of large family it is important to have sons who continue family line and look after their assets. Work and women A further aspect unequal right for women and men are related to workplace and conditions they are work. Women work longer hours than man and their work is less paid or not paid at all. Women contribution in agriculture, whether it is farming or commercial agriculture, is far more demanding as they need to as well concentrate on domestic duties and ruining household, fulfilling they traditional roles as a mother and wife. It had been found (Andhra Pradesh 2006, p.12-17) that the working day of a woman labour in agriculture during the farming season last 15 hours from 4 am to 8 pm, while man work from 5am to 10 am or 11 am and from 3 pm to 5 pm. It means that women have to work in difficult weather conditions (Dr Priyanka Tomar 2006, p 12-17). Both transplanting and weeding required from women worker to spend the whole day working in mud. What is more they work under hit of sun, while mens work such a ploughing and watering the fields is always carried out early in a morning (Neera Bha rihoke 2008, p. 41). Still women labour contribution is barley recognizable as an economic productivity and input to a family household (Dr Priyanka Tomar 2006, p 12-17). In rural India women get paid 60 percent or even less than men for doing the same work. Table 1 shows the wage rate in agriculture between male and female workers between 2004 and 2006 register by Government of India. According to this table women get only 41.58 rupee for ploughing work while men are paid almost double. Also in another jobs women do seems to be paid less than men. Table 1: Wage Rate in Agricultural occupation 2004-2006 Occupation Wage of Men Wage of Women Ploughing Sowing Weeding Picking Crushing 72,28 66,09 57,97 54,60 60,62 41,58 46,17 46,73 41,49 42,73 Source:Ministerof Labouer, Gov of India Women play significant role in agriculture, taking on any job required in land farming. Table 2:1 shows percentage of distribution of female labour in cultivation, agriculture and household in 2001. According the chat around 51 percent women are involve in household industries work while 43 is employed in agriculture, and only 6 percent in cultivation. Table 2.2 shows percentage of male worker participation in cultivation, agriculture and household. The diagram picture that 59 percent men are employed in cultivation in compared to 43 percent women labour. In addition male labour continues 38 percent employed in agriculture. This number is less than 51 percent women labour. Not surprisingly only 3 percent men worked in household as this sector is consider being a female duty. Source : National Sample Survey Organization, 55th round (July 1999 June 2000) Source : National Sample Survey Organization, 55th round (July 1999 June 2000) IMPACT OF WTO ON WOMEN IN AGRICULTURE RESEARCH FOUNDATION SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY NEW DELHI NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR WOMEN NEW DELHI According to the UNFPA State of World Population report on India, published in 2005, about 70 percent of graduate Indian women were unemployed taking under consideration that women represent 90 percent of the total minor workers of the country. Whats more, rural women engaged in agriculture farming constitute 78 percent of all female with regular paid work, making they a third of all labour involved in farming on the land. Furthermore, the report point it out that due to the traditional gender division of labour these women get on average 30 percent lower wages than men. Also the total employment of women in organised sector is only 4 percent even though that industrial production increased since the 1980s with more jobs in factories and outside household. Evidently data shows increased trend among companies to rely on using cheap labour in production stage, mostly women and children. It is well known that women and children work in huge numbers in bangle making weaving, brassware, l eather, crafts and other industries, including clothed and technology factories. Yet, only 3 percent of these women are recorded as manual worker. They are forced to work for almost charitable wages and are excluded form all social security benefits like a health care or a pension. A study organised by SEWA in fourteen Indian trades found that 85 percent of this women earned only 50 percent of the official poverty level income. Another feature of women unequal treatment in Indian society is limited access to health care. Giving complicity of underlying factors like sons preference in a family, early marriages, lack of access to hospitals, education and general women position in a household, is not surprising that life expectancy of females is lower than males. For majority of Indian states the average women life expectancy is 60 years. However life expectancy age for Indian women had been altered for different states, regions in India. In Kerala, for instance, women life expectancy is 75 years of age, while in Madhya Pradesh and Orissa, the poorest states of India, womens age expectancy is even lower 57 years (R C Mishra 2006, p.85-87). This shows as well that other factors like women religion and a cast they belong to, political and economical environment do have huge impact on life expectancy this particular gender. In addition women are quite often subjects of sexual and gender related violence within household, but also outside family walls. They low position make them easy target for raps, molestation, kidnapping and abduction, dowry deaths and domestic violence. Especially illegal practice of dowry existing in many cast groups, quite common in rural areas, causing concerns as legislation reinforcement seems to be powerless in execution women rights and protection. Women in politics Furthermore on political stage it seems women are seriously underrepresented, The fact that Indian government accepted the Representation of the People Act from 1951, which reserves one third seats in national and states parliaments for women, makes milestone in acknowledging women participation in a society and they needs for changes. This is a positive step that gives women political rights to be represented and ability to influence legal policies of this country. On the other hand the Act can be viewed as a need for enforcement democratic India to accept women basic human rights to be equalised with men in area like education, workplace, household and marriage, inheritance of properties, land. However in reality women are not even count for a quote of Indian representatives on a political stage. For instance in a list of the Communist Party of India only three out of sixty candidates are women. Even worse situation for female representation can be found in Karelas parliament. On a list of the Congress Partys for Karela only one woman has been listed in election among seventeen candidates taking part. The main opposition party, Bharatiya Janata Party, has just twenty-six women among its one hundred sixty six candidates. Just six women among 71 candidate seats represent the Samajwadi Party. Throw the years the number of women parliamentarians has never exceeded 15 percent of all seats. Participation of women in the Parliament Lok Sabha (lower house) after election in 1999 was only 8,8 percent, while in Rajya Sabha (upper house) was 8,2 percent (Source: Election Commission of Indias Website) This shows that womens participation in political processes is slow and almost invisible, can be even recounted as exclude form the state life. It is mainly due to various social, economic, historical, geographical, political and cultural factors. Illiteracy, lack of access and control over income and other resources including land, restrictions to public spaces and legal systems in favor of a man continue to harm women any effort to political contribution. In the Indian culture women have always been in a lower status than men and in this terms Indian women display great reserve, respect and submissive mannerisms when they speak to men. The rule Being a male-dominant society, men rule and women follow applies in every aspect to Indian society structure (A male participant Womens Political Participation in Rural India p.437). The Indian constitution grants women equal rights with men, but strong patriarchal traditions persist, with womens lives shaped by customs. In most of Indian families a daughter is viewed as a responsibility, a problem, which needs food and protection. On the other hand sons are idolized and celebrated. May you be the mother of a hundred sons is a common Hindu wedding blessing. This has influenced women access to education, to gaining power in household and a community. It seems that without strong reinforcement of traditional custom and values any government legislation cannot be productive. Recognition of women imputes into Indian economy and politics is another step towards improvement their lives. .

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Seven Phases of the Systems Development Life Cycle

COMPUTERIZED PAYROLL SYSTEM FOR TURNSHOP (A SUPERMARKET) PURPOSE AND PROBLEM(Initiation): Firstly the purpose of this system is to help Turnshop to solve it problem in the running of it accounting department which the whole company relies on it, so that they can have accurate, reliable and fast processing of their payroll system in the company.For now the payroll system of the company is process manually and since there are 2000 employees and more actives of the company it make it very hard and tedious to accomplish this task in the company, it also cause a high room for errors, overtime, resources and money and it will help the company a lot if they have a computerized payroll system (CPS). PlANNING The cost of the computerized payroll system (CPS) is about 50,000 Ghana cedis. since we will install a two new severs for them to handle most of most of their data, one of the sever will act as a recovery and the other works as the main.And also the cost will include a free demonstration and practical tutorial for the accounting staff in TURNSHOP as well with three (3) months training using the computerized payroll system (CPS). we will help during the period of transition. It will be a user friendly and easy to install and use. 1. Since the company already has some hardware requirements already this can be use for the computerized payroll system(CPS) ,so we only need to install the software on the computers and laptops in the company and link them to the sever.SAP solutions will be installed to provide the company-wide accessibility so that they can accelerate an accurate financial closing cycle at any level. This will provide the business management solutions through the financial record of the employees and the management of finance in the company such The Detailed Employee List contains all the pay, deduction, benefit, state, And local tax codes, and monthly, quarterly, and yearly totals for each Employee. The report also provides wage and withholding informati on.Print the Detailed Employee List to review all the employee records That is set up in Payroll. It will eliminate the manual payroll and transaction system in the company which is time consuming and also there is a bigger chance of having errors. FLOWCHART FOR THE EMPLOYEE PAYROLL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTANLAYSIS Beginning the payroll process for the company starts with obtaining the proper documentation from employees. The human-resources department and the accountant department will need to forward an internal form or a copy of the accepted-offer letter complete with the appropriate paperwork to us.Once this process is verified as finished, recording of employee information can begin and designing and deploying for the payroll period can start. Question will be also ask and it will be both open and close questions, to help us get the full understanding of how the payroll works in the company. For example What is salary package in the organization? How the salaried will be paid? How do they calculate the local tax codes, and monthly, quarterly, and yearly totals? And many more DESIGN STAGE OF THE SYSTEMIn the design the organization system will be targeting a hierarchy as follows: Company -> Cluster -> Business Unit (BU) -> Department -> Employee, The salary for an employee is made up of various salary components. Each salary component has 3 rules associated with it, a Calculation Rule (Calculate component as percentage of another component, or percentage of a fixed number or a fixed number), an Eligibility Rule (whether an Employee/Dept is eligible for a component) and a Constraint Rule which limits the maximum and minimum of a component. These rules are editable and can be edited by a user end user.Also these rules are inherited top-down, but if defined at a lower level, the lower level rule takes precedence. The database will contain Attendance, Leaves, Bonuses tables and these rules are also supposed to interact with each of the tables. The client will be gen erating payroll for multiple clients each hosting a Separate Database instance. They may each have a different interpretation of each component and may have different components. We are only looking to support SQL Server, and payroll generation will be an offline activity and also an online activity in some instant.It will work upon where to put the logic which uses these rules to generate the individual tax components (which will include Tax Deductions, Tax Write-offs, Allowances, etc). The system will take an employee Id and generate a payroll for that month. The order of our priorities is: 1. The ability to adapt changes to new clients quickly 2. Long term maintainability 3. Performance 1 and 2 outweigh 3 here by a large factor as this will be an offline activity. Maintainability and Quick Customizability are very important; we will be deploying the application for different clients.Client A may have a Salary Component Rule as ((0. 3 * Basic) + 800) and Client B as (0. 2 * Basic) + (0. 1 * Attendance Bonus) Also report on the payroll will be created in this stage. DEVELOPMENT STAGE After the System Design it leads to Development where the information system is built and programmed. Here we develop all the necessary ideas we got through the requirement stage and the design stage and send them a prototype so that they can try and gives us the feedback, also this phase where the bugs are worked out of the system. A contingency plan is also developed at this point.A contingency plan is an emergency management document. If the power goes out – what happens to the system? What is the back up? How fast can it be brought back up to speed? INTEGRATION AND TESTING STAGE This is the formal integration and testing of the system. Testing has been done on the development phase, but in the Integration and Testing Phase it is a formal, documented testing procedure, not only to assure that the system performs as designed, but testing the roll-out of the system. If th ere is already another system in place with data, how fast can that data be migrated into the new system and useable to the company?Usually, the system is rolled-out over a weekend so that if anything goes wrong, the old system is still active and available. Integration and Testing is vital for the decision to go with the new system, trusted to the system. Also In this stage the functionality of the individual sub systems in the payroll are tested to ensure proper operation. After successful testing of each subsystem the entire system of the payroll is tested to ensure all subsystems work together properly and so that an employees can check every information on his or her payroll.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Discuss the Significance of Binary Oppositions Essay

A Discussion of the Significance of Binary Oppositions in Hemingway’s â€Å"Cat in the Rain† Introduction â€Å"Cat in the Rain† is a short story by American author Ernest Hemingway, which was first published in 1925 as a part of the short story collection In Our Time. The story is about an American man and wife on vacation in Italy. In the biography Hemingway’s Cats, the author writes: â€Å"[â€Å"Cat in the Rain†] was a tribute to Hadley (Hemingway’s wife), who was dealing with the first year of marriage, the loneliness it entailed, and her deep desire for motherhood. According to biographer Gioia Diliberto†¦ Hemingway based the story on an incident that happened in Rapallo in 1923. Hadley was two months pregnant when she found a kitten that had been hiding under a table in the rain. ‘l want a cat,’ she [told Hemingway], ‘l want a cat. I want a cat now. If I cant have hair or any fun I can have a cat. † David Lodge’s analysis of Hemingway’s short story â€Å"Cat in the Rain† shows that this is a symmetrical story consisting of several binary oppositions such as husband and wife, manager and wife, maid and wife, husband and maid, etc. According to Cuddon Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory, â€Å"the term ‘binary denotes ‘composed of two’, twofold’; as in a binary star, ‘one of a pair of stars held together by gravitation’. Language, too, has countless binary oppositions: up/down; slow/fast; sense/nonsense; truth/falsehood; black/white; man/woman – and so on. † â€Å"Binary opposition originated in Saussurean structuralist theory. According to Ferdinand de Saussure, the binary opposition is the means by which the units of language have value or meaning; each unit is defined in reciprocal determination with another term, as in binary code. It is not a contradictory relation but, a structural, complementary one. â€Å"l In this essay, binary oppositions are discussed and analyzed under five categories: gender, symbol, characterization, action, and local color. (1 . Fogarty, S, 2005, The Literary Encyclopedia) Gender In this story, we can consider men and women as binary oppositions, especially by differentiating between George and his wife who are an American couple. As we can see in the story, in comparison to George, the wife is a weaker person; she’s always new clothes) and she’s not satisfied with the things she has. But in contrast, we see George lying down on the bed all the time, making himself busy with reading. George is indifferent to her wife’s being sad, and instead of consoling her, understanding her or trying to find a solution for her problems, he Just continues lying down on the bed indifferently and going on reading and even when she’s talking more about what makes her sad and what she wants, George insults her by telling her â€Å"Oh, shut up and get something to read†. The wife is a disturbed lonely woman that even her husband can’t understand and help her. As a result when she receives respect, polite ehavior and understanding from the hotel keeper, it’s strange for her (and maybe new!!! Because her husband has never treated her like this) and she starts to like the hotel keeper. But as we all know, respecting the guests, understanding them and treating them politely is an inseparable part of being a hotel keeper if one wants to be a successful one. Symbol There are two kinds of symbols in the story; natural ones and artistic or cultural ones. The most important natural symbol is the cat. As we can see in the story, the wife is not satisfied with her life and with her appearance. She’s sad about having short hair and looking like a boy. She doesn’t have anything in her life which can make her happy and give her an identity. So she tries to find something else on which she can hang. So we can imply that by helping the cat, she wants to think she’s important and she’s done something useful, so in this way she can feel good about herself. In another way, we can say that the cat is the symbol of fertility which is in contrast with the short hair that is the symbol of infertility. Maybe the wife is sterile, so by looking after a cat, she wants to satisfy her maternal emotions. Another natural symbol can be good weather which is in contrast with bad/rainy weather. Good weather is the symbol of serenity and shows that there’s nothing wrong, but bad weather is the symbol of a bad situation when something is wrong. Rainy weather shows that the couple’s marital life is not in a good condition; they have a cold relationship with each other. The war monument is a cultural symbol in this story. The tourists, including the American couple, traveled a long way there to see the war monument, but we see here, the American couple doesn’t care about the monument at all; George is always ying down on bed reading, and the wife is always thinking about what she doesn’t have in life. It’s ironical that they came this long way to see the war monument, but it is the only thing they don’t care about. Inside/outside can be a binary opposition. George always wants to stay inside and never wants to leave the room. Inside can be a symbol of passivity. George is a passive character. But instead, the wife wants to go outside all the time; she wants to discover the unknown; she’s curious about the world outside, so we can say she’s an Characterization We can differentiate between the maid and the wife. The wife is apparently a caring person who even cares about lonely cats, but the maid, as we can see in the part in which she’s surprised by the fact that the wife is actually looking for a cat and she even laughs about it, is not so caring; she doesn’t think that a cat can be so important that a person goes after it in the rain. She may not even really care about the wife, because in the part she goes after the wife to take her an umbrella, it is mentioned in the story that â€Å"Of course the hotel keeper had sent her†. Or at the end, when the aid brings the wife a cat, she says, â€Å"the padrone asked me to bring this for the Signora†. So we can conclude that she’s doing all this Just because of her Job tells her to do them. We can also differentiate between George and the hotel keeper. The hotel keeper is a responsible and active person. He’s so alert about his guests and their needs and wishes. Whenever he sees the wife, he stands up and bows to her as a sign of respect. He sends the maid to take an umbrella for the wife, although it’s not his Job to do that. At the end of the story, he sends the maid to take a cat for the wife; e could not do that, because it is not his responsibility to find a cat for her, but he did, because he cares about the wife. But in contrast, we see that the wife’s own husband doesn’t care about her; he’s a passive and negligent person. He’s not doing anything more than reading and he doesn’t do anything for her wife to relieve her. Action George is lying down reading all the time, but the wife is always moving from one place to the other (from the hotel room to the street and from there back to the hotel room, and even in the room, she goes to the dresser to see herself in the hand irror) and talking all the time (she talks to her husband, to the maid, to the hotel keeper). George is a passive character who doesn’t do anything special in the story, but in contrast the wife is so active; she’s always talking and going from somewhere to the other. She wants to do something all the time; (sometimes it is talking to other people, sometimes it is going out to find a cat) because she’s not satisfied with her life, with her appearance and with the things she has. She wants to be different, to have different things; she wants to own something so she could feel important, atisfied and useful. Maybe she’s fghting in a patriarchal society to prove her femininity. Local Color There’s a binary opposition here between Italian and English language and between Italian and American culture. The couple is American and they speak English, but the maid and the hotel keeper are Italians and they speak Italian most of the time; they can speak English, too. The American couple can speak a little Italian and sometimes respect each other’s language by speaking Italian sometime and speaking English at the other time. George is an American man who’s negligent of his wife and the hotel eeper is an Italian man who respects women and cares about them to a great extent. As we can see in the story, many Italians came there to see the war monument, but the American couple doesn’t care about it at all. Conclusion All the categories of binary oppositions which discussed here are deeply interrelated and directly or indirectly are aimed to magnify the man/woman binary opposition. So it can be concluded that the thematic core of the story is the opposition between man and woman and what Hemingway is trying to do is showing a couple’s problems in their married life by making use of some binary oppositions.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Shelby s Passion For Art - 1147 Words

â€Å"I just express myself by creating things on paper. It doesn’t have to be something that looks like a picture. You’re creating feelings. You’re putting your thoughts and emotions onto a page with paint, pencils or whatever you use.† Shelby is a 17-year-old high school student in Brainerd, MN. She enjoys drawing, hanging out with friends and playing with her dogs. Growing up, Shelby wasn’t involved in sports or playing with Barbie’s. â€Å"Well I like a lot of things, but I really love drawing and doing all sorts of art.† Everyone is passionate about something, whether they admit it or not. Shelby’s passion for art is the very definition of passion, she loves all aspects of it and incorporates it into her daily life. Shelby was bullied in middle school and experienced a lot of stress because of it. Art had been used as a stress reliever for her after a rough day. She would spend lots of time in the art room painti ng away her thoughts and emotions. â€Å"Whenever I’m feeling upset or angry I usually pick up a pen or paint brush and just fill my sketch book with some form of art.† Shelby has made a lot of friends with fellow artists and enjoys hanging out with them regularly. Artists have a special connection with each other that someone like you or I wouldn’t be able to understand. â€Å"It’s definitely a tight knit community. You can’t just take up drawing and expect to understand everything we’re doing.† No one can really learn to draw, it’s just kind of a naturally bornShow MoreRelatedUncle Tom s Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe Essay1090 Words   |  5 Pagesan amazing author and abolitionist. The purpose of her writing Uncle Tom’s Cabin is to influence other people to abolish slavery. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was based on Religion and the abolition of slavery. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was epic story in the mid 1800â€⠄¢s because it represents the cruelty of slavery and religious beliefs. Stowe kind of has some similarities with Fredrick Douglass because they both abolish slavery. Except Harriet Beecher Stowe was not a slave and did not have a rough childhood like FredrickRead MoreGlee Essay9324 Words   |  38 Pagesof Buffy often makes lists of the best musical television episodes of all time. In this same episode that the guest director and guest star positioned Glee within the contemporary use of the musical on television, we discover that Shelby Corcoran is Rachel’s mother. Shelby is played by Idina Menzel, who originated Maureen in Rent and Elphaba in Wicked on Broadway, with Glee guest star Kristin Chenoweth. Menzel and Chenoweth further link Glee to the tradition of the contemporary musical that may beRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagesand techniques 6.1 Define activities 9.1.2. Responsibility matrixes 10.1 Communication planning (.2.3.4) [App. G-4] Chapter 12 Outsourcing 12.1.1 Procurement requirements [G.8] Contract types Conflict management 12.2.7 The art of negotiating Change requests Chapter 13 Monitoring Progress Chapter 5 Estimating Times and Costs 6.4 Activity duration estimates (.3) 6.4.2 Estimating tools (.1.3.4) 6.3.1 Identifying resources 7.1 Activity cost estimates (Read MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 PagesCongress Subject Headings: Principles and Application, Fourth Edition Lois Mai Chan Developing Library and Information Center Collections, Fifth Edition G. Edward Evans and Margaret Zarnosky Saponaro Metadata and Its Impact on Libraries Sheila S. Intner, Susan S. Lazinger, and Jean Weihs Organizing Audiovisual and Electronic Resources for Access: A Cataloging Guide, Second Edition Ingrid Hsieh-Yee Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, Tenth Edition Arlene G. Taylor LIbRaRy and InfoRMaTIon