Friday, May 31, 2019

Womans Struggle For Independence Essay -- essays research papers fc

Wo creations Struggle for IndependenceWomen have had to fight for there independence. They have been repressedfor a long period of history. Only recently have women started to cod respectas equals and individuals. Even today women are still looked down upon for theresex.From the begging of history women have been viewed as a lesser sex. In thetime Mesopotamia women we in charge of the children and the home. In AncientEgypt women had no post or authority. Women were viewed as holding. TheHebrews, alto respecting women, did not allow them to own any property or tohave an active place in government. In Rome women were not allowed to voicethere judicial decisions. They were viewed as lesser beings, whos role in hostel was togive birth and to take care of children. They were property of there husbandsand not viewed as individuals. There husband was there master and women wepractically slaves and was often abuse by there husband. A servant to themale sex.During the middle ages women still has almost no rights. They still didnthave the right to voice there opinion and were still viewed as property. If theydisobeyed there male role model they were punished. The art of the Renaissancegave women some freedom to voice there opinion about the liberal arts and social issuesas long as there opinions werent very radical. However women were only theobjects in the arts. They were the models and not the creators. They were notallowed to express themselves but only to be expressed by others. This lead intothe period of the Reformation, women were still viewed as property and thehomemakers. They did not really get there place in social club.The 17th coulomb was the first real growth of the womens movement. Upuntil this time women had been in the same category as property or slaves. Butas the French society moved toward revolution women began to speak of theinjustice against them. "The Vindication of Rights of Women (1792) called forthe extension of the principle of th e liberty to women and urging that equalpublic education be made open for men and women" (Perry, 289). This list ofthe right that women were lacking was one of the first attempts at creating alegislation that included women in its laws. During the scientific revolutionmen were fashioning discoveries and coming up with new ideas all over the world.This was not possible for women beca... ...tespresidents wife for example. Women such as these have a great deal of power andinfluation, but they wouldnt have this if it wasnt for there husbands. Theidea that a woman can work and be just as productive as a man a receive the samerewards happens to a point. The majority of the heads of corporations are men,women make a lesser salary and arent promoted as much as men. As a woman risesin power in a company she usually gets to a point and then the promotions stop.This event of a sudden stop in promotion has been called "The Glass Ceilingeffect" (Lunt). This can only be explained a s women are still being treated as alesser being to men.The reason why women are inferior to men is still unknown. It has beenaround for as long as men and women have walked the earth. Hopefully short itwill disappear completely and we can all be viewed as equals.Works Cited and Works ConsultedGolden, Richard and Thomas Kuehn. horse opera Societies. New York St. MartinsPress, 1993.Lowenthal, David. The Past and Foreign Country. Cambridge CambridgeUniversity Press, 1985. Lunt, Richard. Lectures.Perry, Marvin. Western Civilizations. Boston Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993.

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